None Too Soon


Ragnaros Down!


That’s right, Ragnaros has been taken down and the hunt for heroics begins.  After a very frustrating 6% wipe, the raid hustled back into the Citadel to give it another go.  Things felt really solid right from the start and the pull as a whole was one of our smoothest.  We have our two least favorite hammer positions for the transition phases but handled them well.  Meteors started dropping and it looked like we were gonna be ok.  There was a brief time in which two healers were kiting and they did a great job of handling their assignments and their meteor.  Rags made a last ditch effort to save himself and managed to kill a couple of us just before he bailed.

In the end a great encounter that really feels like a boss fight.  A big thanks to Blizz for this one!



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