Howdy all!

Hey there!  Zosima here.  Hopefully you’ve found my blog while searching for a different take on Druids (especially Moonkin), Guild/Raid Management, and the World of Warcraft in general…’cause that is what you are going to get.

I am not going to pretend to give you an unbiased look at the game.  This will mostly be my opinions and responses to what is going on in and around the game.  I try to look at all sides of things before running my mouth, but who knows, we may see some really off the wall things from time to time.  I’m certainly no Blizzard fan-boi, but I do have a lot of respect for the folks at Blizzard even if I can’t begin to understand what they are doing sometimes. I know that I would have a near impossible time trying to do what they do.

While I enjoy theorycrafting, I am not a master like Calculated, Smo, Reesi, Graylo, and the myriad of others.  I will however talk from napkin math and try to help explain what all the numbers mean.  I believe that the game should be approachable by everyone, but there is benefit is being able to get better through extra work.

I also post on the Blizz forums a bit but have learned from watching others that getting carried away can result in losing everything written in the past so I tend to temper my responses there accordingly.  From time to time I’ll bring an issue from the forums here in hopes that we can open up the discussion a bit more…and prevent the mod team from deleting my stickies.

I’ll save the rest for another time.  It’s always good to hear from folks.  Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

– Zosima

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One Response to Howdy all!

  1. Cono says:

    I like where you are going with this. Your in my RSS list going forward.

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